Justin is simply a dream come true with regards to how our website and search optimization is handled. He’s absolutely amazing and I’m proud to be working with such a talented and knowledgeable gentleman. I recommend and respect his design skills, his creative uniqueness and his positive energy in everything he touches.
Upgraded from a very basic and simple page to a clean and minimal website reflecting the business owners kitchen and cabinetry style.
Provided with a few minor prerequisites, we included a specific home page image slider and maintained the existing branding, incorporating the colors into other website elements.
The logo was professionally formatted and updated for multimedia use.
We also established a professional social media page to coincide with the introduction of intermittent blog articles for SEO.
The overall design is user friendly and compatible to view on all mobile devices.
Reflected in the design is the promotion of the numerous awards and successes attained by the business with icons to match.
Domain name management, website hosting and support is provided as part of a monthly package.
We also provide additional advice and recommendations when considered necessary.